Progress Update - Aurelia Falling

Two steps forward, one step back.
So, I was making wonderful progress on AURELIA FALLING when I realized the beginning chapters were not quite right and needed fixing. A minor character flaw here, a plot hole there. Not really a big deal.
But of course, one thing always seems to lead to another … and before I knew it the outline for the first ten chapters had been completely revised!
And since I’m a planner by nature, this was basically a total nightmare for me. (Bangs head on tabletop.)
Now the storyline is moving in the perfect direction, but revising those chapters was like working on a giant, tedious puzzle. It required time and patience, but it’s finally been revised.
After that little fiasco, I’ve been hard at work on the complete outlines for Books 2 and 3, as well as two accompanying novellas. Since this series follows the same two main characters, I needed to make sure it all flowed seamlessly from the first book to the last.
And let me tell you, the story’s even better than I first imagined!
Let’s talk numbers. I’ve written 30,000+ words over the last month between all of my outlining. Even with all the revisions, I have 25,000 words completed in Book 1 and am motivated to finish the manuscript as quickly as possible! Time to get it done!

Writing Retreat

I’m off to a writing retreat with one of my favorite people, author L.K. Magill. We’ve been friends for over a decade, and now we’re going through this author journey together!⁠
Sure, our genres are completely different: She writes sexy sci-fi romance, and I write sweet contemporary and fantasy romance. But having someone who understands AND can relate to every emotion of this author journey has been beyond priceless.⁠
I can’t imagine going through this without her.⁠
We’re spending two nights in a beautiful San Diego hotel. Sunshine. Coffee. And writing. Can’t get much better than that! My amazing husband is staying home with the kids, so I’m very excited to have hours of un-interrupted writing time.
My weekend goal: 15,000 words.
Now let’s see how much actual writing we can get done over the weekend while lounging poolside!⁠

What is Fantasy Romance?

Basically, it's a romance set in a fantasy world. If you take out the romantic plot, there's no story. It's all about the romance. When I discovered this genre, I knew I'd found my perfect niche.

My favorite books are fantasy with a heavy dose of romance. Too little romance and I'm disappointed. Sure, I enjoy other romance sub-genres like contemporary or historical. But fantasy romance is my jam.

As a hopeless romantic, I'm all about love. In books, movies, songs. I love reading (and writing) romance that is sweet, heartfelt and magical. Romance that makes you yearn for happily-ever-after, that makes you believe in soul mates, and gives you all the feels from beginning to end.

Sweet. Fantasy. Romance.

What is your favorite genre?

First Day of Kindergarten

We started our homeschooling journey this year! After spending months preparing for this, it's gone better than I could have imagined. I love teaching again, and Addison loves learning!

We keep it simple. Every day we focus on Language Arts, Handwriting and Math. Then I let Addison decide if she wants to do Art or Science, and we use aspects from life for Social Studies.

Here's the curriculum we chose:
The Good and the Beautiful - Language Arts
Math-U-See - Math

And we love these subscription kits:
Ivy Kids - Science & Art & Literature
Kiwi Co - Science & Art
Kidstir - Cooking

Progress Update - Legend of The Celtic Fey

Book 1 in my YA fantasy romance series is titled Aurelia Falling.
I have 24k words written so far, and am in love with how the story’s coming along. It’s going to be a little different than my previous books. I like to write in first person point-of-view, but this book is also written in dual perspective, his and hers.
It’s been a challenge learning to write from a male perspective, but it brings added depth to the story and allows for a better glimpse into the mindset of both main characters.
Do you enjoy reading romances in dual POV?

Heart of Mine (The Royals of Coradova #1)

He was the Crown Prince of Coradova. She was his best friend from childhood. Their forbidden love will cost them everything. ...