Progress Update - Aurelia Falling

Two steps forward, one step back.
So, I was making wonderful progress on AURELIA FALLING when I realized the beginning chapters were not quite right and needed fixing. A minor character flaw here, a plot hole there. Not really a big deal.
But of course, one thing always seems to lead to another … and before I knew it the outline for the first ten chapters had been completely revised!
And since I’m a planner by nature, this was basically a total nightmare for me. (Bangs head on tabletop.)
Now the storyline is moving in the perfect direction, but revising those chapters was like working on a giant, tedious puzzle. It required time and patience, but it’s finally been revised.
After that little fiasco, I’ve been hard at work on the complete outlines for Books 2 and 3, as well as two accompanying novellas. Since this series follows the same two main characters, I needed to make sure it all flowed seamlessly from the first book to the last.
And let me tell you, the story’s even better than I first imagined!
Let’s talk numbers. I’ve written 30,000+ words over the last month between all of my outlining. Even with all the revisions, I have 25,000 words completed in Book 1 and am motivated to finish the manuscript as quickly as possible! Time to get it done!

Heart of Mine (The Royals of Coradova #1)

He was the Crown Prince of Coradova. She was his best friend from childhood. Their forbidden love will cost them everything. ...