Heart Captivated (The Royals of Coradova #2)

He was a prince of Coradova. She was the girl of his dreams. But one thing stands in the way of their happily-ever-after.

Brielle Parker no longer believes in fairytales—not when her life in the country has led to nothing but heartache. When she first meets the second-born prince of Coradova, she refuses to be dazzled by his teasing smile and inviting blue eyes. After all, she’s not looking for her happily-ever-after. 

But the charming Prince Ashton is impossible to resist. 

During their summer together in Coradova, the sparks continue to fly until Brielle can no longer deny her growing feelings for him. When her twin sister gives her heart to Ashton as well, Brielle must choose between her twin, or the prince who made her believe that love is worth the risk.

Grab your copy on Amazon now!

Or, keep reading for a sample of HEART CAPTIVATED!

A dark, lone figure watched me from the edge of the trees. He stood unmoving, his face half obscured by shadows and a scruffy beard. In his forest-green shirt and faded jeans, he blended in perfectly with the dark tree line at his back. I’d only noticed him because of the breeze that had rippled the leaves above his head, unintentionally drawing my eye. 

Normally, I would have assumed that he was a trespassing fisherman in search of a good spot along the creek—if it weren’t for the intent way that he watched me. We were on three-thousand acres of private land, alone in the back pasture between two isolated cattle ranches. Even if I screamed, no one would hear me except the small herd of cattle grazing over fifty yards away. Sudden alarm stole the breath from my chest.

Who was this man—and why was he watching me so intently?

The loud moo of a nearby heifer startled me. It reverberated across the wide, open pasture, disturbing the silence. I practically jumped out of my skin, and lost sight of the man as I glanced at the heifer trying to nibble on the hay bale from the bed of my truck. By the time I had shooed her away and looked back over to the tree line, I saw nothing but the beautiful, rustic nature of my Montana home. 

The man was gone.

I searched the surrounding pasture, just in case. After finding nothing, I tried to dispel the image of the lone figure from my head. It was unusually warm for early June in western Montana. From a cloudless sky, the sun was beating down in a relentless wave, and my typical outfit of a long-sleeve shirt, jeans and cowgirl boots weren’t helping to combat the heat. I was overly warm, and must have been seeing things. I must have imagined the man in the trees—like a desert mirage.

I shook away the lingering flicker of alarm and forced my attention back on the task at hand. A section of our fencing was damaged and needed repair. I crouched down in the tall grass and tugged down on the brim of my cowgirl hat, casting my face into shadows and blessed relief from the glaring sun. Long strands of auburn hair kept falling over my shoulder and into my face. With impatient movements, I bound my hair into a ponytail and resumed my work. 

Finally ready to replace the damaged post with a new one, I slammed the metal post into place with several good hits from the post driver, feeling the familiar burn in my arms and shoulder muscles. I’d grown accustomed to the intensity of ranching work after all these years.

We had moved to my uncle’s cattle ranch when I was ten-years-old. After getting married at eighteen, my mom never planned on returning to her family’s ranch in the small town of Hope Creek, tucked away in the Bitterroot Valley west of Missoula. But life hadn’t turned out as expected, and we’d been forced to move in with Uncle Cameron in order to survive. 

Life on a ranch was challenging. We’d seen many tough years, our finances struggling to the point where my uncle was forced to accept help from the women of the family. He’d warned us that ranching work was not for girls, but my sister Sophie and I had proven him wrong on all accounts. In his quiet way, Uncle Cameron had praised us for helping to keep the family cattle ranch afloat.

For the last eleven years it had been the five of us: Uncle Cameron, Mom, and her three children. Now … there were only four of us. I swallowed back the bitterness of grief and tossed aside the post driver a little harder than I’d intended. After burying my sorrow deep within, I went back to work.

Hidden Creek Ranch was spread over three-thousand acres of land. Wide, open pastures merged into the forest along the base of the mountain, where a mixture of evergreen and deciduous pines intermingled with firs and cedars. Hidden along the back five-hundred acres, a small creek wound through clusters of aspen trees and yellow-flowered arnica forbs.

Loaded down with tools—and now partially eaten bales of hay—my faded blue pick-up was parked a few feet away. The soft sounds of country music drifted out from the rolled down windows, and I hummed along to a familiar tune as I worked. The fencing I was repairing was on the border between our property and the Kavanaugh Ranching Company. Two of the aged metal posts had fallen over, the barbed wire lines dipping low in multiple places. With the fencing down, our cattle could cross over to mix in with the Kavanaugh herd, or a horse might get a leg tangled in the barbed wire.

I was threading the wire ends through a wire stretcher when I heard footsteps approaching through the grass on the other side of the fence. Moments later, a shadow fell over me. 

Panicked, I shot a glance upward and caught sight of the tall cowboy looking down at me. Appearing as if he had all the time in the world, his stance was relaxed with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans, and his plaid short-sleeve shirt untucked. The light-colored stetson he wore was a striking contrast to the black hair it covered, and his wide eyes were a dark blue, like the deep ocean.

His handsome face was unfamiliar. Relief coursed through me when I realized that he wasn’t the same man I’d caught watching me from the trees. He must have been one of the new ranch hands for our neighbors, the Kavanaughs. After their home and barn had burned down last summer, they’d hired extra workers in order to help with the rebuild, as well as the usual ranch work.

“Hello,” the cowboy said, shooting me a smile.

“Hey, you must be new here.” I tried not to stare at the charming dimple that appeared when he smiled. “I’m Brielle.”

One dark brow arched. “Brielle? That’s an interesting name.” He grinned, flashing that charming dimple again. “I like it. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Brielle.”

I blushed at the warm way he said my name, and with a slight European accent that was unusual for a cowboy. Wondering where he was from, I turned my attention back to the fencing. The handsome, dark-haired cowboy watched me for a quiet moment before stepping around the post to crouch down beside me. He was close enough that I could feel the warmth radiating from his body.

“Were you looking for Mackenzie?” I asked, trying to calm my sudden nerves. His proximity was making my pulse race. “She went to the house for some drinks and should be back any time.”

Mackenzie Kavanaugh was my neighbor and best friend, apart from my sister.

“All right,” he replied. “Would it bother you if I waited here?”

“No, not at all.” I shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “Can you hand me the pliers?”

Our fingers brushed when he handed me the tool, and based on his smirk, the touch had been deliberate. Was he flirting with me? I had little—actually, zero—experience with dating. Growing up, I’d been too preoccupied with life on the ranch to even think about dating. Then in high school, my gorgeous sister had captured the eye of every guy in school. No one was interested in dating quiet and boring Brielle when they had a chance to be with the alluring Sophie Parker.

After both wires were in place, I cranked the lever until the ends pulled together and worked on tying them. The cowboy watched over my shoulder in apparent fascination; I wondered if this was his first ranching job. As I worked, I blathered on in an attempt to distract myself from his nearness. I told him about the type of work expected on a ranch, ranging from the excitement of a cattle drive to the unpleasant job of mucking out horse stalls.

He listened quietly, with rapt attention and the occasional dimpled smile. At one point, I peeked over my shoulder to find his eyes fixed on me. If that wasn’t obvious interest showing in his blue eyes, then my chances at dating were beyond hopeless. This handsome cowboy with the dimpled smile was making my heart somersault within my chest—and I didn’t even know his name.

Right when I turned to ask him, I noticed Mackenzie, Sophie and my brother Logan approaching with a jug of lemonade and plastic cups. Mackenzie took one look at the cowboy, then launched herself across the pasture and into his arms. They hugged in a gesture that was obviously familiar.

A twinge of embarrassment stabbed my chest. He hadn’t been flirting with me; he obviously had a special relationship with Mackenzie. I was naive to think he was showing any interest in me. I really was clueless when it came to dating.

My siblings set the drinks on the tailgate of the pick-up and moved to stand near my side while we waited for an introduction.

“What are you doing here—and what are you wearing?” Mackenzie asked when she finally stepped out of the cowboy’s embrace. She was a petite little thing, with curly brown hair framing a heart-shaped face and eyes so dark they were nearly black.

The cowboy grinned. “It’s my last summer of freedom before I join the Royal Navy and I decided to surprise you.” He struck a pose and winked. “Don’t you think I look good in this outfit? I blend right in.”

The Royal Navy? This cowboy was clearly not a new ranch hand as I’d assumed. Was he someone Mackenzie knew from Coradova? The Kavanaughs had spent ten years in the small kingdom of Coradova, an island in the Mediterranean Sea near France. When they moved back to Montana four years ago, Mackenzie had missed the country she’d called home for most of her life and often spoke fondly of the friends she’d made, including the royal children. 

My spine stiffened. No, I thought with a sudden sense of horror. He couldn’t possibly be …

Mackenzie turned a beaming smile on us and tugged the cowboy forward. “I want you all to meet Ashton. Ash, these are the Parkers.”

Ashton. As in, His Royal Highness, Prince Ashton of Coradova?

Color bloomed in my cheeks. I refused to make direct eye contact with the blue-eyed prince, feeling utterly embarrassed over the way I had spoken to him as if he were a normal ranch hand instead of royalty. My embarrassment grew tenfold over my ridiculous notion that he had been flirting with me. As if a royal prince would have any interest in a cowgirl like me.

“It looks like you’ve already met Bree,” Mackenzie continued, unaware of my humiliation.  Ashton nodded and smiled at me before following Mackenzie’s gesturing hand toward my siblings. “This is Logan, and that’s Sophie.”

Watching Ashton, I recognized the look of surprise that crossed his face as he stared at Sophie. My sister was beautiful with her high cheekbones, rich auburn hair and wide brown eyes. I guess that meant I was beautiful too, since we had the exact same face.

Ashton turned his blue gaze on me once again, his mouth curving into an amused smirk. “It looks like you were holding out on me, Brielle. Not only is your name interesting, but now I find out that you’re an identical twin.”

The blush that deepened my cheeks turned to chagrin when Sophie laughed and drew his attention with little effort. If any country girl could turn his head, my twin sister would be the one to do it.

“You have no idea how much fun it is being an identical twin. Bree and I used to love playing tricks on people when we were little. Unless you’re looking closely, it’s very difficult to tell us apart.” Her long hair fell over her shoulders in an auburn curtain, softening her features and making her appear as lovely as ever.

Even though we were identical twins, I felt plain and drab in comparison; coated with dirt  and grime after working on the fencing for the last few hours. Ashton studied Sophie's face for a long moment, then turned a scrutinizing eye on me. I tried not to squirm under his gaze. 

“I can’t see any differences,” he said eventually.

“You’ll have to get to know us better first.” Sophie smiled, her eyes playful and inviting, drawing him to her like a moth to flame.

I recognized the look of interest that crossed Ashton’s face. My heart squeezed briefly with remorse, although I honestly wasn’t the least bit surprised. It was what I’d expected. Ashton had seemed to show interest in me … until he met my sister. 

Cheerful, vibrant, charismatic Sophie. 

We might have been identical, but people didn’t look at me the way they looked at Sophie.

“Hey, Bree,” Sophie called out. I looked over to see her link arms with Ashton, completely at ease despite the fact that he was a royal. “It looks like you don’t need my help with the fencing, so I’m going to show Ashton around the ranch.”

“Unless you’d like to come with us,” Ashton interjected.

I wanted to say yes—but my darn practical nature wouldn’t allow it. I sighed, genuinely contrite, and waved a hand toward the solitary post. “Thanks for the invite, but I really need to finish the fencing.” 

Ashton’s smile faltered, then brightened as he stepped toward me. “Would you like some help? I don’t know anything about fencing, but I’d be more than happy to lend a hand.”

Before I could respond, Sophie waved her hand in dismissal and crooned, “That’s so sweet of you to offer, Ashton. But Bree prefers to take care of things by herself. She won’t mind if I give you a tour. Right, Bree?” Her brown eyes flitted to my face, pleading for my agreement.

I bit back a sigh. “Sure, Soph. I’ve got this handled.” All by myself, as usual.

“Thanks, Bree!” She smiled widely and tugged on the prince’s arm. “Let’s start with the stables.” 

“All right,” Ashton acknowledged, though his gaze was still on me. “I guess I’ll see you later then, Brielle.” He shot me a crooked smile before returning his attention to Sophie. 

They meandered back through the pasture. Mackenzie bobbed alongside them, caught up in Sophie’s enthusiasm. A moment later, I spotted the two men in black suits that followed behind at a discreet distance. I hadn’t even noticed them earlier; Ashton’s presence had captured my complete attention. 

His Royal Highness, Prince Ashton of Coradova.

What was I thinking? I turned away with a small shake of my head and realized that Logan was standing near my pick-up truck.

My big brother was a genuine cowboy. He was dressed in his usual Wranglers and boots, with a straw-colored cowboy hat tipped low over his face. His wide hazel eyes were exactly like our mother’s, while Sophie and I had our father’s soft brown eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want any help, Bree?”

“It’s all right, Logan. I’m almost done.” I attached more wire to the wire stretcher and cranked the lever, then glanced up at my brother, still hovering near the truck.

“Thanks for taking care of this, Brielle. I know I can always count on you.” He pulled off his hat and rubbed a freckled hand over short auburn hair that was more brown than red. He replaced the hat and shot me a grin. “I’m going to ride through the herd and check on the calves. I’ll see you at lunch.”

He sauntered away through the grass, heading toward the barn. Logan was a rancher through and through. He enjoyed nothing better than riding his horse through the herd or driving cattle along dirt roads. It was hard and dirty work, with long hours and livestock that required daily care. Sometimes it was a thankless, back-breaking job, with the strong smell of manure thick in the air and herds of cattle that were stubborn, powerful, and even dangerous under certain circumstances. 

There were times when I wished for a chance to escape this country life. If I could, I would venture out to the west coast where the ocean spread out in an endless stretch of adventure and possibilities. Longing surged through me. I tried to remind myself that it was no longer an option. The ranch needed me. My family needed me. As much as I longed for travel and adventure, my life was here in Hope Creek, Montana. The desire to explore the world was nothing but a dream now, like a vapor in the wind … utterly and completely untouchable.

The enticing smell of pancakes preceded me into the kitchen.

“It smells great in here, Soph,” I announced with a smile, before drawing to a halt at the sight of the twenty-one-year-old prince sitting at our kitchen table. 

He was lounging in one of the wooden chairs in jeans and a t-shirt, with his stetson resting on the round farmhouse table. I was surprised to see the prince here this early in the morning; it was before sunrise. Even dressed in western wear, he looked out of place in our weathered, country-style kitchen. 

The white-washed cabinets were chipped with age, the pale blue walls faded from years of sun exposure and the oak hardwood was dusty and scratched. It was hard to believe he could be so at-ease in our simple, well-loved home, but I had to admit he looked comfortable and perfectly content in his place at our kitchen table.

Ashton sent me a dimpled smile. “Good morning, Brielle.”

“Good morning.” I stood awkwardly in the doorway and chewed on my lower lip, uncertain if I should curtsy or address him as Your Highness.

He seemed to read my expression. Understanding lit up his eyes along with a wicked twinkle. “You can call me His Most Excellent Royal Highness, Prince Ashton.” He winked, a grin tugging at his lips. “I might be a prince, Brielle, but I don’t stand on formality when I’m with friends. Please just call me Ashton.”

I hesitated. “Okay …”

“Ashton,” he prompted, suppressing his smile.

“Okay, Ashton.” 

His answering grin was dazzling. “I like the way you say my name, Brielle. Your American accent is very … cute.”

Goodness, was he actually flirting with me? I flicked a glance at Sophie, but she was humming to herself as she flipped pancakes over a griddle, lost in her own thoughts. I moved to sit in the chair across from him and chose to ignore his comment about my cute American accent. “How did you know I was wondering what to call you?”

He leaned back in his chair, his mouth curving in a smile. “Most Americans aren’t familiar with the formality. And I’m very good at reading people.” The intensity in his blue gaze made a blush creep into my cheeks.

I cleared my throat and blurted out the first thought that popped into my head. “Aren’t you supposed to be surrounded by royal guards, being a prince and all?”

Ashton grinned and gestured with his hand. “Oh, they’re around. But if you could spot them, then they aren’t doing a very good job of being discreet.”

“Oh,” I murmured, feeling like an idiot.

Sophie approached and said, “Bree, I hope you don’t mind that I invited Ashton over for breakfast.” She set a plate down in front of the prince that was stacked high with pancakes. “Here you go, handsome.”

He thanked her and dug in, taking a huge bite of pancake coated with fresh huckleberries and syrup. “This is delicious,” Ashton commented, stabbing a huckleberry with his fork and holding it up for inspection. “What are these?”

“Huckleberries,” Sophie answered, flipping more pancakes over the griddle. “A popular Montana staple … and they’re Bree’s favorite.” She readied another plate and set it in front of me, then paused to whisper none-too-quietly into Ashton’s ear, “I’m hoping to butter her up so she’ll let me skip out on my morning chores.” She sent me a pleading look on her way back to the stove.

I sighed and picked up my fork, knowing I couldn’t deny her anything. By her smile, Sophie knew it too. I should have seen this coming. Sophie didn’t usually help with breakfast unless she was hoping for a favor—and pancakes with huckleberries was a sure-fire way to get in my good graces. I could let her out of morning chores if Logan was here to help me …

“Is Logan around?” I asked between bites.

Sophie shook her head. “He and Uncle Cameron are helping with the Jameson’s branding today. They’re in the barn loading the horses.”

“I forgot about that.” I frowned at my plate. It looked like I would be doing the chores on my own this morning.

“Why don’t I help you both with the morning chores?” Ashton offered. “I’d hate to make Bree do it all on her own.”

Gratitude for his thoughtfulness spread through me. Over the last year, Sophie had become too wrapped up in her emotions to be of much help. She’d never enjoyed ranching work, but lately it was a challenge just to get her help with morning chores. It was difficult to hold it against her though, when I knew how much she’d been struggling since our mother had passed away barely over a year ago.

While Uncle Cameron and Logan had thrown themselves into ranching, Sophie had been more than eager to escape the boundaries of Hidden Creek Ranch. She had a sudden thirst to experience everything that life had to offer—before it was gone. As for me, I’d spent the last year trying to fill the void left in our family. I’d done anything and everything in my power to help my loved ones find happiness again. Sometimes it felt like the burden was more than I could carry. There were days when the longing for my mother was more than my broken heart could handle.

Before my thoughts could wander much further in that direction, I smiled at Ashton with genuine gratitude. “Thank you, Ashton. I appreciate the help.”

His dimpled smile was utterly irresistible. For a brief, insane moment, I wished for a chance to pursue my attraction to him. For the first time since my mom’s death, I wanted something more out of life than trying to drown my sorrows in ranch work and being the glue that held my family together. I banished the thought as quickly as it had come: in the blink of an eye. I’d experienced more than enough heartache in my twenty-one years of life. First with my dad, and then my mom. My fragile heart couldn’t risk being crushed again—especially by a handsome prince.

Ashton’s warm voice cut into my dreary thoughts. “You’re very welcome, Bree.”

I peeked up to find his gaze on me.

Our eye contact broke when Sophie joined us at the table. “Let’s eat and get those chores done. The faster we finish, the sooner we can go out to … explore.” The sultry look she sent Ashton made it impossible to misunderstand her meaning. 

I could have sworn Ashton blushed, but his olive-toned complexion made it difficult to tell. He stole a glance at me before focusing his attention on the pancakes. We finished our breakfast in relative silence and headed out to the barn.

We made quick work of the morning chores with three sets of helping hands. For a prince, Ashton was not afraid to get his hands—or his brand new Wrangler jeans—dirty. He was very laid-back, and surprisingly down-to-earth; in no time at all I had forgotten to be intimidated by his royal title. As we worked, Ashton entertained us with charming stories of his home. The more he told us, the more I longed for a glimpse of the Mediterranean paradise of Coradova.

A yearning rose up within me, so strong and powerful that it took all of my will-power to restrain it. I was no longer free to travel the world as I’d always wanted. The dreams I’d had to study abroad were gone, along with any hope for a life outside of the Hidden Creek Ranch.

That didn’t restrain my growing interest in Coradova though. I questioned Ashton about the country he called home and delighted in every detail he shared. With a broad smile and eyes full of pride, he seemed more than happy to oblige. 

When Sophie grew tired of listening to our chatter, she interrupted and took the shovel from his hands. “Come on, Ashton. Let me show you the creek.” She led him off for some time alone without waiting for his consent. 

As I watched them leave, my thoughts wandered over images of a country I’d never seen before, but was quickly falling in love with.

We fell into a routine over the next few weeks. Every morning Ashton, and sometimes Mackenzie, came over for breakfast and to help with morning chores. Most days Ashton spent the afternoons with all three of us, wandering through the pastures of both ranches and exploring our small town of Hope Creek. He seemed content to spend time with all of us, but occasionally, an impatient Sophie claimed him all for herself and took him off on outings all throughout the Bitterroot Valley.

After dinner one night, Sophie suggested starting up the fire pit and dragged Ashton outside to help her. Logan was in town with friends and Uncle Cameron had retired to his bedroom after calling it an early night. One royal guard had followed the prince outside, while a handful more were surveying the perimeter. I was surprised by how quickly I’d grown accustomed to their presence after only a few short weeks.

Through the kitchen window, I noticed the silhouetted couple standing close together in the yard. The light from the campfire flickered around them like glowing amber. I wasn’t trying to snoop, but their laughter had caught my attention while I was washing the dishes in the kitchen sink. Before I could turn my gaze away, I saw the smaller shadow reach up on tiptoes to circle her arms around the prince. Their shadows merged in the undeniable act of a kiss.

Blushing, I forced my eyes onto the dinner plate in my hand and scrubbed with extra vigor. Mackenzie moved into place beside me, holding a kitchen towel in her hand. Without a word, she picked up the clean dishes and began drying them with the towel. 

We worked in companionable silence for a few minutes before I asked the question that had been bothering me on and off since the prince’s arrival. “Kenzie, is Ashton a bit of a playboy?”

“Ashton?” Mackenzie laughed and shook her head. “No, not at all. I think he’s had one, maybe two, serious relationships.” She put a cup in the cabinet, then reached for another. “Ash is very loyal. When he commits to someone, he’s all in. Alex, on the other hand, was a notorious playboy.”

Ashton’s older brother, Alexander, was the Crown Prince of Coradova. He had been a dashing and charming flirt until he fell in love with Madison Kavanaugh, Mackenzie’s older sister.

I handed Mackenzie a plate to dry. “So you think Ashton honestly likes Sophie? He’s not just looking for a fling before going back to Coradova next week?” While a part of me was admittedly jealous over catching Ashton and Sophie kissing, I was primarily concerned about the prince’s intentions. He’d been flirting with me since the first day we met, and yet now he was kissing my sister under the stars.

Mackenzie answered, “I don’t think Ashton is playing games with Sophie’s heart. If anything happens between them, it’s because he really likes her. Try not to worry.”

“But she’s so impulsive and never thinks before jumping—and she gives up her heart too easily,” I argued, uncertain if I was more concerned for her heart, or mine. “What if he breaks her heart?” My hands clenched over the sponge, dribbling dirty dish water into the sink. “She’s been hurt enough this year. We all have.” The pain in my voice was noticeable. I dropped my head and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to get the stabbing heartache back under control. 

I felt an arm slip around my shoulders as Mackenzie hugged me. “I know, Bree. You’ve all been hurt more than enough.” She squeezed my shoulders briefly. “I’ll warn him to be careful with Sophie. I promise he won’t intentionally hurt her.”

But what if he unintentionally hurts her? What if he hurts me? A handsome, dashing prince like Ashton would never be happy with a cowgirl, even one as beautiful and intriguing as Sophie. We were from two different worlds—not to mention he lived thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean and was planning to join the Coradovan Royal Navy in September. It was only a matter of time before he broke one of our hearts. Not that mine was his to break.

Ashton and Sophie entered through the kitchen door on a wave of laughter. The screen door slammed shut behind them, snapping me out of my musings.

I shoved my grief and fears down deep where they belonged and spun around with a smile. “Hey, you two. Thanks for setting up the fire pit. We’re almost done in here.” I gestured to the half-empty sink and kept my expression bright and carefully guarded, as if the turmoil in my heart didn’t exist.

Ashton scanned my face before his eyes drifted over to the dirty dishes in the sink. He grabbed the discarded kitchen towel off the counter and joined me. “Why don’t I dry, while you wash?”

“That’s okay, you don’t have to—”

“I want to, Brielle.” His quiet voice was insistent and held a hint of command. Without waiting for my response, he picked up a wet plate. “Since you made me dinner again, it’s the least I can do.”

I bit my lip. “Have you ever washed dishes before?” I teased, poking fun at him, but honestly curious.

He shot me a look. “Yes, I’ve washed dishes before, Brielle.” That adorable dimple flashed as he dried the plate and set it on the counter. “It’s not like it’s rocket science.”

“You might as well let him help you,” Mackenzie commented from beside the kitchen door. “His Royal Highness is accustomed to getting his own way.” She smiled sweetly at Ashton, grabbed a paper bag off the counter and turned to Sophie. “Come on, let’s go set out the marshmallows. I’m craving a s’more.” Sophie didn’t look particularly enthusiastic, but followed Mackenzie out the door anyway.

“What’s a s’more?” Ashton asked.

“You don’t know what a s’more is?” I pivoted to stare at him in surprise.

“I’m kidding, Brielle.” Ashton smirked, teasing me with only a peek at that adorable dimple. “I know how to wash dishes, and I know what a s’more is. I grew up in Coradova, not on the moon.”

“Oh, right …” I blushed and slowly shifted around to face the sink.
Ashton hid another smile and continued drying the wet dishes.

After a moment, I murmured, “Thanks for your help, Ashton.” My shoulder brushed his arm when I reached for the sponge; such a slight, brief touch. I froze at the tingle of sensation that coursed through me, surprised by my reaction. No one had ever evoked this kind of an awareness in me … before Ashton. I stole a sideways glance at him, and found his eyes on me. 

For a moment, the dishes were forgotten.

He studied me in silence, then finally asked, “Is everything all right, Brielle? When we walked in, you seemed … upset.”

My eyes widened. “You noticed that?” No one ever recognized the pain I worked hard to conceal. Yet Ashton, who I’d known for less than one month, had noticed what none of my family ever did.

His dimpled smile was rueful. “Yes, I noticed.” He reached for my hand, holding it gently. His casual touch surprised me as much as his perceptiveness.

“It’s nothing,” I answered, abruptly turning back to the dishes and removing my hand from his grip. I was unnerved by his ability to so easily see past the mask I hid behind—and by the longing his touch had ignited. My words came out more curt than I’d intended. “I’m fine.”

He bristled slightly at my tone. “I’m only trying to help.” Ashton turned back to the sink, his movements brisk as he dried another plate.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.” Gathering my courage, I admitted, “Yes, I was upset when you walked in.”

“Was it because of me?” he inquired softly, his eyes on his task. 

“No, of course not.” Even though he wasn’t looking at me, I angled my head away in an attempt to hide my face from his soul-searching eyes.

“Does it bother you to see me with Sophie?”

My hands stilled on the casserole dish I’d been scrubbing. How did he do that? Did he have a direct line to my heart or something? “No,” I breathed, although it was a lie. Seeing him with Sophie bothered me for reasons I didn’t want to admit—and I hated that he could recognize it. “Why would that bother me … unless you’re just toying with her.”

“I’m not toying with her.” There was a bite to his voice; I’d obviously insulted him. Ashton turned to look at me, his gaze direct and searching. Too much so. “I was wondering …” He paused and rubbed the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable.

“… if you could have my permission to date my sister?” I suggested, ill at the thought.

Ashton straightened and met my eyes. “… if there was a reason why you wouldn’t want me to.” As he held my gaze, his words reverberated around my head, thick with a seemingly hidden meaning.

“Do—do you like her?” Please, please say no.

He hesitated for a heartbeat and shifted closer, his eyes warming, drawing me to him. “I like—”

The kitchen door slammed open behind us. We jerked apart and returned our attention to the dishes. My heart hammered and thoughts spun as I fought against an embarrassed blush. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Ashton suppress another smile.

“S’mores are ready!” Sophie announced, drawing close to Ashton with a brilliant smile.

I took in the sight of her besotted face and felt a sudden twinge of regret. Even though I was undeniably drawn to him, I could never allow my budding feelings for Ashton to bloom. 

We couldn’t both fall for the same man … no matter how alluring his warm blue eyes were.

* * *

Before dawn, Ashton met me out in the barn for morning chores. He was holding a yellow wildflower and offered it to me with a dimpled grin. “I thought you might like this.”

“Oh, Ashton.” I pressed a hand to my chest, touched. “It’s beautiful.” I longed to take it, but squeezed my hand into a fist, knowing I couldn’t accept his thoughtful gesture. Instead of taking the flower, I grabbed the shovel leaning against the wall and refused to look at him when I said, “Ashton … I wanted to tell you that you have my permission to date Sophie.” 

He was silent for so long that I chanced a peek at his face. He was frowning. 

With the flower still held in his hand, Ashton stepped closer, ignoring my retreat as I pressed my back against the wall. His eyes were intent on my face. “Brielle, I don’t think you really mean that.”

“Yes, I do,” I whispered, unhinged by his closeness. I’d made my decision and refused to allow his gorgeous blue eyes or dimpled smile to change my mind. “Last night you asked if it bothered me to see you with Sophie, and it doesn’t.” Lies, such terrible lies. “I can’t think of a single reason for why you shouldn’t be with her.”

“I see.” His eyes dimmed as he eased away and turned his back to me. He stood still for a long moment, his shoulders tensed. “I guess I should go find Sophie … since there’s no reason for me to stay here … with you.” His eyes met mine, searching, waiting. When I said nothing, he turned and walked out of the barn. 

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the image of his disappointed expression—as well as the image of the yellow wildflower now lying crushed at my feet.

This was for the best. After only three weeks, it was obvious that Sophie was falling for him, and falling hard—it didn’t matter that I was falling for him, too. I would not risk Sophie’s heart.

My sister deserved every happiness that life had to offer. If a royal prince was what her vulnerable heart desired, then I hoped with every fiber of my being that her dreams would come true … even if I had to sacrifice my own dreams. It’s not like I hadn’t done that once already.

I straightened my shoulders and walked away, leaving the forlorn wildflower broken in the dirt, along with a tiny piece of my heart.

I was surprised by how quickly I’d grown fond of the dark-haired prince with the dimpled smile. His easy-going nature and friendly personality had side-swept my carefully laid intentions of keeping him at a distance. After barely a week, Ashton had become a friend I could count on, and now he was something more.

A week after our … discussion … the prince was due to return home to Coradova. He met us out on the front porch, accompanied by four royal guards. He spoke quietly with Sophie, hugged her close and turned to me while my sister sniffled in the background. 

Without a word, Ashton carefully drew me into his arms. Despite the tension that had been present over the last week, his hug was warm and long. When he finally stepped back, his gaze lingered on my face. “Thanks for showing me the ropes around here. I’ll miss it … and your cute American accent.” He winked, making my heartbeat stutter. Then his playful smile grew serious. “Goodbye, Brielle.”

Tears pricked at my eyes. There was so much I could have said to him, but all I could manage was a whispered, “Goodbye, Ashton.”

He nodded, offered up one more smile and sailed down the old, rickety steps.

Standing on the edge of the porch beside Sophie, I took one look at her tear-streaked face and felt my heart squeeze in response to her pain. I slipped an arm around her shoulders in a gesture of love and support. She leaned her head against mine and sniffled again. 

Ashton paused at the bottom step and looked up at us over his shoulder, those gorgeous blue eyes taking in the sight of us standing together. Identical in both looks and tears. A soft smile played on his lips. Then he flashed that adorable dimple before turning to stride across the drive to his waiting car.

Together, we watched the handsome and charming prince walk out of our lives and back to his home in Coradova. I wondered if we’d ever see him again.

Would you like to know how the story ends?

Heart of Mine (The Royals of Coradova #1)

He was the Crown Prince of Coradova. She was his best friend from childhood. Their forbidden love will cost them everything.

Madison Kavanaugh grew up in a small, modern-day kingdom in the Mediterranean Sea. Her life in paradise was better than any fairytale—until she fell in love with her best friend and heir to the throne, Crown Prince Alexander.

Now everything has changed. 

As they fight against a love they can’t give into, Madison will risk everything for the prince who holds her heart.

Grab your copy on Amazon now!

Or, keep reading for a sample of HEART OF MINE!

The charming storybook country of Coradova was nestled on an island in the Mediterranean Sea near France. After living here since I was seven-years-old, I had fallen in love with this small, peaceful kingdom. It was a Mediterranean paradise; the perfect vacation spot that I was fortunate enough to call home. Now at sixteen, I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. 

The early morning sunshine glistened off an endless expanse of brilliant blue sea and spilled golden rays over the terra-cotta rooftops of nearby cottages. As we drove down from the heights of the capitol, I watched as the water rose and buckled in shimmering waves and listened to the roaring sound of the sea crashing upon the rocky cliffs down below. 

As the shiny red convertible sped around a curve, I laughed with reckless delight and glanced at the handsome nineteen-year-old behind the steering wheel. His raven-black hair fluttered in the wind and his blue eyes were bright with excitement. He shot me a heart-stopping grin as we raced along the twisting turns of the scenic seaside road. 

We passed by tall waving palms and vibrant wildflowers, with the smell of the sea strong on the wind. As we drove closer to the harbor I could see the distant silhouettes of gulls wheeling through the cloudless sky and the tiny pinpoints of sails. 

Alexander maneuvered flawlessly through the small, narrow roads of Les Arès, one of the finest ports of call in the Mediterranean. Clusters of small, colorful houses and shops lined the cobblestone roads of this favorite tourist destination. There were rows of sailboats bobbing in the water, and fishermen returning from the sea with brimming nets full of fish and lobster. The docks expanded through the port town to accommodate cargo liners and warehouses, and further beyond I could see the military buildings of Coradova’s naval base. 

We drove through a set of security gates and parked in the backlot of the brand new marine life aquarium, where a line of men and women were waiting for us. 

Alexander patted down his wind-ruffled hair, then winked at me before hopping out of the car. He strode around to open my door with a charming smile. I stepped out and smoothed a hand down my navy and white dress, wondering briefly if my brown, wind-blown hair looked presentable. 

“Are you ready?” Alexander asked, buttoning the jacket of his gray business suit. “I’m afraid there’s going to be hours of pomp and circumstance.” 

“It’s not my first ribbon cutting, Alex,” I reminded him. 

Alexander smiled. “Well, thanks for coming to another one, Maddy.” 

We turned toward the waiting group. I watched as the handsome boy I’d known for nine years transformed into the dashing Crown Prince of Coradova. The mantle of his birthright settled around his shoulders in an invisible, yet tangible cloak, and his stride was undeniably regal. 

We exchanged greetings and introductions with the Board of Directors before receiving a private tour of the top-notch research and education facility. It was a non-profit organization that Prince Alexander had helped to establish for the rescue, rehabilitation and release of local marine life. 

When we stepped out in front of the building, cheers arose from the excited crowd huddled together behind the security barricades. Each person here was eager to catch a glimpse of their beloved crown prince. 

Accustomed to this level of attention since birth, Alexander smiled and waved as he approached the podium to give his speech. Behind him, two royal guards hovered within arms-length at all times. I would feel suffocated by their presence, but for Alexander it was yet another aspect of royal life that he merely considered normal—not that he didn’t occasionally rebel against it now and again. 

After Alexander had cut the blue ribbon and posed for countless photos, we passed back through the aquarium to meet the staff. Based on prior experience, I knew it was going to be at least another two hours before we were free. I was bored already, but Alexander appeared thoroughly engaged. His greetings were warm, with a genuine welcome that left broad smiles on the faces of every staff member he met. 

Standing beside Alexander while he spoke with the director, I noticed a gaggle of female staff members pause nearby. Their eyes were centered on the prince. Biting my lip to hide my amusement, I watched as they shamelessly shot him flirtatious smiles and batted eyelashes in an attempt to catch his eye. 

I peeked at Alexander. He had noticed the girls as well and acknowledged their efforts with a dazzling white smile. They nearly swooned in response. 

“Be careful not to make anyone faint this time,” I whispered. 

Alexander struggled to cover his laugh. His amused blue eyes met mine briefly before he returned his attention to the director, a grin still tugging at his lips. 

We were both familiar with the outrageous lengths some girls would go to in order to attract his attention. On one occasion his reciprocation had even caused a few girls to actually swoon. An embarrassed Alexander claimed it was caused by the heat. It had happened over a month ago, but I still loved ribbing him about his swoon-worthy charm. 

On our way out of the aquarium two hours later, I paused near a massive fish tank as a memory from our childhood flashed through my mind. I tried to suppress a smile, but Alexander noticed my sidelong glance. 

His eyes narrowed in suspicion. “What does that look mean?” 

I couldn’t contain my grin. “I was just thinking about that day you put fish in the palace swimming pool. You were such a trouble maker, Your Highness.” 

One of the guards behind us snorted with mirth. It was probably Pierre—the prince’s Head of Security. He’d held the honor of guarding Alexander for over a decade and was very familiar with the prince’s childhood antics. 

Alexander ignored the various chuckles coming from his trailing entourage and laughed, the sound echoing through the long hallway. “I did it because you said you wanted to swim with the fishes. I blame it all on you, Madison.” He nudged me playfully with an elbow as we continued walking. “You are always the mastermind.” 

Twenty minutes later we were speeding back down the winding road along the coast with his personal security flanking us in black sedans. 

Alexander had tossed his suit jacket into the narrow backseat, along with the invisible crown of his birthright. When he was alone with me he could leave behind the burden of royal duty and obligation that came with his title. For the moment, he was merely Alexander. Young and carefree, with the wind whipping across his face as we raced recklessly down the twisting road that would lead us home. 

As we passed through the outer edges of the capitol, the towering silhouette of the royal palace came into view. It rested on the top of a hill overlooking town and sea. In that colossal, elegant white palace lived the Royal Family of the House of Markham. While most would be awed by the sight of fairytale turrets and red uniformed guards, to me it was more than just a royal palace. It was my home away from home, and the Royal Family who resided there were like my family. 

We had moved to Coradova nine years ago from America. My little sister, Mackenzie, was two years younger and still in middle school. My dad, Sam, was a fourth-generation cattle rancher from Montana. My mom, Claire, was an exceptionally talented artist. 

After commissioning several pieces for the Royal Family, visiting nobles and members of the Coradovan aristocracy, my mom had decided to open an art gallery in this lovely storybook country. Because he loved her with a deep devotion that I often found inspiring, my dad had encouraged her to follow her dreams ... which led us to our new life in Coradova. 

Two weeks after our move I attended a royal ball in the palace where I’d met the young princess and two young princes for the first time. After that night, my life changed forever. 

It was one thing to live in a Mediterranean paradise, but to live in a real-life fairytale with castles and princes had been a dream come true. 

It didn’t take long for me to grow close with the royal children—after repeatedly being thrown together by our mothers. My mom had been friends with the Queen of Coradova for nearly thirty years. They’d met in college while my mom was studying abroad in Italy. At the time, nineteen-year-old Lady Gabriella was just the daughter of an Italian diplomat. A year later she met twenty-year-old Prince Mathis on a tour of Italy with his father, King Henri. 

Now King Mathis and Queen Gabriella were the reigning monarchs of Coradova. Their daughter, Princess Arianna, was my best friend. Their youngest son, Prince Ashton, was my energetic little brother. And their eldest, Prince Alexander, was my friend and protective big brother.

As we started in on our dinner, the blue sky overhead merged into vibrant shades of magenta and violet. Only a sliver of sunlight could be seen in the distant horizon as the moon steadily made its way up into the darkening sky. Our parents were dining with the king and queen inside the palace, while we were out on the terrace, enjoying this cool April night with the royal children.

Alexander was at the head of the patio table, seated directly across from his younger brother. His Royal Highness, Ashton Andrew Marciano was just as handsome as his brother. He was almost as tall as Alexander, but leaner, his shoulders not as wide. They had the same black hair, striking blue eyes and strong jaw, although Ashton had dimples when he smiled.

Beside me, my fourteen-year-old sister chattered animatedly with the princess, while her curly brown hair fell in ringlets around her lovely heart-shaped face. When our entrees were delivered, she finally paused in order to dig in to one of her favorite meals, confit de canard. 

It was a fine French dish of slow-cooked duck with roasted potatoes. Growing up in Coradova, we had been introduced to many unusual meals that most people our age wouldn’t dare to try. But life in the royal palace had led us to one new experience after the other.

As we worked our way through the meal, the conversation drifted in and out around the table, comfortable and easy after nine years of friendship. Across from me, Princess Arianna Isabella Camilla de Coradova was the perfect image of a fairytale princess. She was petite and graceful, with long raven-black hair that hung in waves down her back, and deep blue eyes that were nearly identical to her brothers’.

“How was the opening ceremony today?” Arianna asked as she carefully dipped into her dessert of chocolate soufflé.

“It was just like all the others,” Alexander replied dryly, shooting a smirk at me. “According to Maddy, we have a lot of ribbon cutting ceremonies.”

“I didn’t say it was a lot,” I disagreed, pointing my spoon at him. “Only that it wasn’t my first one.”

“But this was the first one you helped build from the ground up, Alex,” Arianna said. It was impossible to miss the pride that colored her voice. “It wasn’t your typical ribbon cutting. You deserved that honor today.”

“Thanks, Ari … but it was just part of my job description as the crown prince.” Alexander looked almost embarrassed over her praise and continued on. “The aquarium looked great, and there was already a huge crowd waiting to get in. I think it’s going to be a big hit for tourist season.”

“I’m pretty sure they were there to see you, Prince Charming. Not the aquarium,” I teased, making the others chuckle around the table. I’d given him the nickname after he’d turned sixteen and couldn’t go anywhere without drawing the eye of every girl in the vicinity. 

Alexander sent me a warning look, which only made my smile widen, and egged on his siblings.

Ashton leaned back in his chair and sent his brother a wicked grin. “Hey, Alex, I hope you didn’t make anyone swoon this time.”

“Oh, that’s right!” Mackenzie chimed in. “Didn’t two girls faint the last time he made an appearance?”

“It was only one,” Alexander muttered in defense.

“But there was another one the time before that,” Arianna put in. “Remember? He just smiled at her and she fainted in his arms.”

Alexander crossed his arms and scowled. “I hate all of you.”

I leaned over to pat his arm. “Poor, Alex. It’s not your fault that your smile is so … swoon-worthy.”

Ashton hooted with laughter while Arianna and Mackenzie attempted to smother their chuckles.

Alexander leveled a glare at me. “When I’m king, you’re the first one I’m going to banish.”

“You could never banish me.” I smiled and rose from my chair. Moving to stand behind him, I bent down to whisper in his ear, “You’d miss me too much.” I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, rumpled his perfectly styled hair and dodged his hand before he could swat me away.

“Hey, don’t do that,” Alexander grumbled, shifting in his chair to frown at me. He attempted to fix his hair. “You’re such a pest.” 

“I might be a pest, but I’m still your best friend.” With a grin, I sailed down the terrace steps and out onto the long stretch of lawn.

Alexander called after me. “Where are you going?”

“To look at the stars.”

“Ooh, if you see a shooting star,” Mackenzie cheerily called out, “don’t forget to make a wish!”

I waved in acknowledgement, then wandered far enough away that their voices were only a distant hum in the background. I flopped down onto the grass, white dress and all, and laid back with my hands behind my head and ankles crossed. 

The palace provided the best view of the night sky. I’d lost count of all the times I’d spent star-gazing out on the lawn. As the sky overhead grew darker, more specs of brilliant light shone like diamonds. It was so beautiful, and mesmerizing. As I lost myself in the view, I couldn’t imagine my life in Coradova being any better than this.

After a while, I heard footsteps approaching through the grass. Then Alexander’s face appeared as he stood over me, with the radiance of the starlit sky sparkling behind him.

“Are you going to be out here all night?” he asked.

“It’s not a school night, Mom. I can stay up past midnight.”

He chuckled and lowered down onto the grass with his back to me. Then he sprawled out beside me with our bodies parallel but pointing in opposite directions, and his head next to mine. Silently, we studied the sky.

At one point I asked, “Where’s everyone else?”

“They all went to bed. Not everyone wants to stay up past midnight, like you.”

“Party poopers.”

Alexander chuckled and shifted to tuck his opposite arm under his head. “Seen any shooting stars yet?”

“Nope.” I searched the sky and admitted, “Even if I did, I don’t know what I’d wish for. My life is pretty close to perfect.”

“Don’t all the fairytales say you’re supposed to wish for true love and all that nonsense?” Alexander asked. His serious voice held only a hint of teasing. “Don’t you want to find your Prince Charming?”

“I don’t need to when I’ve got you and your swoon-worthy smile,” I quipped, angling my head to see his face.

Alexander rolled his eyes. 

Studying his profile, I asked, “Would you wish for your own Cinderella? It’s not like Coradova is full of eligible princesses.”

Alexander frowned in contemplation. “I just want to find someone who will care more about me, than my title.”

I shifted up onto my elbow and peered down at his face. “Alex, people love you because you’re the future of Coradova. But all those girls swoon over you because you’re ridiculously handsome.” He rolled his eyes again, but I pressed on. “If any of those girls ever got to know the real you, they’d fall in love with the guy behind the title. I’ve known you since I was seven, and I like Alex more than I like the crown prince.” I reached over to rumple his hair again.

“Why do you always do that?” he grumbled, sitting up to scowl at me.

Shifting up to sitting, I shrugged and sent him a grin. “I like it when your hair is messed up. It makes you look more like Alex, instead of a prince.”

“But I am a prince.”

“You don’t have to be a prince all the time.” I gestured at the emptiness surrounding us. “There are no pretty girls here for you to impress. It’s just me—the little sister you never wanted. Relax, Your Highness.”

“Why do you think I’m star-gazing in the grass?” Alexander answered with a smirk. “I don’t do that with just anyone—only the little sister I never wanted.” He winked and nudged me with his arm before resuming his place in the grass.

Laying back down directly beside him, I questioned, “If you could be anything you wanted, what would it be?”

“Does a Greek god count?” Alexander joked.

“Wow, all that attention is really going to your head.”

Alexander chuckled then lapsed into silence for a long moment before answering. “If I could be anything, I’d still want to be king. I love helping people, and as the king I will actually have the power to make a difference.” His voice grew almost embarrassed, and he shrugged. “That’s probably stupid.”

“That’s not stupid, Alex,” I disagreed softly. “You’ll make a great king one day. The people of Coradova are really lucky to have you.”

“Thanks, dolcezza,” Alexander murmured, reaching over to briefly squeeze my hand. While he often enjoyed teasing me, Alexander called me by my childhood nickname whenever he was feeling affectionate.

Dolcezza meant sweetness. Alexander had called me that since our first meeting over nine years ago, when we’d discovered a mutual fondness for sweets. While I loved our playful banter, I also loved those moments with him when I felt a true connection. Those moments where he allowed me to see the person behind the title; my friend hiding behind the royal mask. 

After another minute, Alexander redirected the conversation. “So what would you be, Maddy?”

I grinned. “I’d be a horse jockey.”

“But you’re too tall,” Alexander said with a smile in his voice.

“I know,” I grumbled. “Stupid height limits.”

Alexander laughed and shook his head. A moment later, I sat up and shifted to look down at him, my smile growing mischievous. “Hey, Alex. Are you up for a little reckless behavior?”

He sat up with a sigh. “What trouble are you trying to get me into now?”

My grin widened. “Come on, let me show you.”

* * *

Twenty minutes later, I had a palace horse saddled and ready to go. Turning to face a frowning Alexander, I smiled mischievously. “Let’s take a midnight ride.”

“Madison—” Alexander began to argue, although only half-heartedly. He was used to my harebrained schemes and it never took much convincing to get him to go along. As responsible as he was, Alexander occasionally tried to rebel against the confines of his royal obligations, and my escapades were usually a harmless way to do exactly that.

“Come on, Alex! Once you’re the king, you won’t get to do crazy stuff like this anymore.” I sent him a pleading look.

His frown deepened, but I could detect the smile that played around his lips. “If we get caught, I’m blaming it all on you.” Alexander climbed swiftly up into the saddle and leaned down to offer me a hand up.

I slipped into place behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Lead on, Your Highness.”

“You’re the mastermind behind this,” Alexander said as he steered the horse out of the stables. “You tell me where we’re going.”

I grinned and held on tighter as excitement curled through me. “To the cliffs.”

“How did I know?” Alexander laughed, the sound exuberant, and urged our horse into a racing gallop.

We passed through the outer pastures of tall grass, with our horse’s hooves pounding out a fast beat beneath us. Alexander skillfully maneuvered us along the dark, winding path that led up the steep incline of cliffs. When we reached the top, he dismounted and reached up to help me down.

Standing close together beside the horse, I gripped his arms and bounced up and down. “That was amazing!” I exclaimed, and hugged him fiercely. "Thanks for doing this, Alex.”

He laughed quietly and squeezed me tight before releasing his hold. “You’re welcome, dolcezza.” With a smile, he playfully rumpled my hair. “It’s not like I can ever say no to you.”

We moved to sit side by side at the edge of the cliff, letting our legs dangle precariously over the edge. We talked on and off while admiring the breathtaking view of endless dark sea and star-studded sky. Alexander and I had been close since the first time we met, but over the last few years, our friendship had strengthened into something special. Now, he was my best guy friend.

Hooking my hand through Alexander’s arm, I shifted to lay my head against his shoulder. “Hey, Alex?”

“Hey, Maddy,” he teased softly.

“You’re a really good prince, but you’re an even better friend.”

Alexander kissed the top of my head, then murmured, “You’re only saying that so I won’t banish you when I become king.”

I smiled against his shoulder. “You’ll never banish me. Your life would be too boring without me.”

He laughed softly. “Yes, it would be.”

The minutes were dragging on, ticking away so slowly that my body practically trembled with impatience. The entire school day had moved along at a sluggish pace and these final ten minutes of class had been beyond brutal. I tried to focus on the algebra equation on the chalkboard, but math held absolutely no interest right now. 

Not when I had received a text message from the prince early this morning telling me to pack a swimsuit for a mysterious outing after school. By his cryptic message, I knew that Alexander was up to something and I was anxious to find out what he had planned. It had been two weeks since I’d convinced him to ride a horse out to the cliffs after midnight. I was more than ready for another reckless adventure.

In an attempt to distract myself during the final three minutes of school, my gaze strayed over the aisle to the dark-haired boy sitting across from me. I watched his long fingers drum hypnotically along the top of his desk, then allowed my eyes to drift over the tanned skin of his arm and shoulder, until I was lost in the sight of his handsome profile. 

Ethan Deimos. 

I’d had a crush on him since the beginning of the school year. He was one of the cutest guys in school—and unless my radar was off—he actually seemed interested in me. I kept waiting for him to ask me out, but no luck yet. 

As my mind wandered away with images of Ethan holding me close in his arms, he shifted in his seat and glanced at me over his shoulder. In the moment that our eyes met I blushed, embarrassed that he had caught me watching him. He shot me a crooked grin—as if he was pleased to find me staring at him. My heart flip-flopped within my chest just as the final bell rang. 

My classmates jumped to their feet in a whirl of excitement. I lost sight of Ethan in the horde, but he was waiting for me out in the hallway with a wide smile. 

“What are you doing this weekend?” he asked as we maneuvered through the crowd. 

“Nothing much,” I answered with a shrug. “Arianna and Kenzie want to go to the beach tomorrow. What about you?” 

We moved around the corner, the crowd thinning as we passed through the gated front entrance of the school. From here I could see the stretch of white beach in the distance, enticing and welcoming. It was as if the sea in the background beckoned me. Hopefully Alexander’s secret adventure involved a trip to the beach. 

We stopped near the front curb, surrounded by other students waiting for their rides home. I glanced over at Ethan, still waiting for his reply. 

“Well, that sort of depends on you,” Ethan finally said. He sounded slightly nervous. “Maddy ...” He stepped closer, until we were almost touching, and gazed down at me with brown eyes like warm butterscotch. “Will you go on a date with me tomorrow night?” 

My stomach fluttered with eager butterflies. “I’d love to, Ethan.” A smile stretched wide across my face and I wanted to do a happy dance. Ethan Deimos had finally asked me out! 

Ethan grinned in response, no longer looking nervous. “Great. I’ll pick you up at six.” He reached out to take my hand as a black jeep drew to a stop at the curb in front of us. “Is dinner and a movie okay?” 

“It’s perfect.” Anything he wanted to do was fine with me, as long as it involved being together. 

“Who is that hottie?” The girl next to me suddenly questioned, interrupting my thoughts. I followed her gaze to the black jeep and immediately recognized the dark-haired boy leaning across the seat. 

Peering at us through the open passenger window was Alexander. He was dressed casually in a plain gray t-shirt with his dark hair covered by a faded ball cap. I knew it was in an effort to blend-in, just as I knew that the sunglasses on his face purposefully hid his striking blue eyes. 

Since I didn’t see any sign of a black sedan nearby, I guessed that the prince had ditched his security—yet again. He occasionally searched for opportunities to escape the palace, needing just a few hours of freedom so he could pretend to be a normal teenager. 

“Hey, Maddy,” Alexander called out, shooting me a grin. 

The girl next to me giggled when she caught sight of Alexander’s smile and waved at him, hoping to coax him into conversation. I rolled my eyes. Even when he wasn’t trying, Prince Alexander was incredibly charming and often seemed to dazzle any girl who looked his way. 

“Just give me a minute,” I responded, then turned back toward a frowning Ethan. “I’m sorry, Ethan. I need to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow night for our date. I’m super excited.” 

“Yeah, me too.” Ethan studied the boy in the black jeep, then leaned in to whisper, “Is that Prince Alexander?” 

I nodded. “Please don’t tell anyone you saw him. It’ll create a mob scene.” 

“Sure, Maddy.” Ethan’s brown eyes focused back on me. I thought I saw a hint of jealousy before his expression softened. Stepping closer, Ethan smiled and lowered his head to kiss my cheek. “Have fun with you-know-who. I’ll see you tomorrow night.” He nudged me toward the jeep. 

I moved away in a daze and climbed into the passenger seat. I could still feel the warmth of his kiss on my cheek. 

“Is that Ethan?” Alexander asked, bringing me back into reality. He eyed the boy in question, then shifted gears and hit the gas pedal without bothering to wait for my response. 

I’d been talking about Ethan for months, but hadn’t found a chance to introduce them yet. I looked out the window as we started to drive away. Ethan was still standing at the curb, watching me with his familiar crooked smile. He sent me a slow wink before disappearing from view. “Yeah, that was Ethan.” 

“He was very ... hands-on,” Alexander muttered. 

I sighed at the protective tone in his voice and shifted around to stuff my backpack onto the backseat, noticing the two surfboards for the first time. Yes, we were definitely heading to the beach! I could hardly wait. I tucked my backpack behind the boards and turned back to my scowling friend. 

Since he was three years older, Alexander had a tendency to act like my big brother and occasionally over-reacted when any guy showed interest in me. I wondered what he would say if I told him about my date, then disregarded the thought almost immediately. Because he was like my brother, I’d never been particularly comfortable talking with Alexander about dating. 

“Don’t worry about Ethan,” I told him. “He’s just a friend.” At least until tomorrow, I thought, as a spiral of anticipation curled through me. 

We drove in silence for the next few minutes while I watched the sea draw closer. 

“Has he tried to kiss you?” Alexander asked suddenly. 

“Alexander!” I gasped and swatted at his arm. “That is none of your business.” 

He maneuvered through the parking lot, slipped into a vacant spot and turned to face me. His dark sunglasses hid his eyes, making it difficult for me to read his expression. But based on the stubborn set of his jaw and his tightly compressed lips, he was in full over-protective brother mode. 

“You’re right, Maddy. Your relationship with Ethan is none of my business. But will you promise me something?” He continued at my nod, his expression serious. “Don’t let him pressure you into anything you’re not ready for.” Alexander smirked wickedly. “Or I’ll throw him in the palace dungeon.” 

I raised a brow and said wryly, “You mean, the dungeon that doesn’t exist?” 

“Ethan doesn’t know that.” Alexander grinned and climbed out of the jeep. He unloaded our surfboards while I grabbed the towels out of the backseat and scouted the beach for a vacant spot. 

Since tourists didn’t usually flock to Coradova until May, the seaport village wasn’t particularly crowded this afternoon. Tiny restaurants and tourist shops were packed closely together within easy reach of the beach, their doors propped open in welcome. The locals milled about along the cobblestone streets or lounged on towels spread wide over pristine white sand. Out on the water I could see sailboats and surfers, even the occasional body boarder. 

I found the hum-drum of this daily life in paradise to be peaceful. But for Alexander, relaxing moments like these didn’t happen very often. His role as crown prince was a full-time, never-ending job. As the future King of Coradova, he didn’t have the luxury of freedom. 

We found a mostly deserted section of beach, then stripped down to our bathing suits. The girls nearby shot interested looks at Alexander as he removed his shirt to reveal a perfectly sculpted torso. Honestly, I couldn’t blame them. Alexander was my best friend, but I could admit that he was ridiculously good-looking. The muscles of his golden olive-toned skin rippled with his every movement, and the charming smile he sent their way was dazzling. The girls giggled in response. 

Taking advantage of his momentary distraction, I grabbed my board and shot off toward the water, calling out to him over my shoulder, “Last one to catch a wave buys dinner!” 

“Hey!” Alexander shouted, scrambling after me. 

I reached the water first but Alexander was only seconds behind me. We waded out into the surf and worked our way past the breaking point. Sitting on our boards with the sun warm on our faces, we waited for a good swell. 

With a smirk, Alexander reached down to splash a handful of water at me. I retaliated in kind. We were soaked and laughing by the time a wave arrived moments later. Turning our boards around, we started paddling in earnest. I felt the swell rising and jumped to my feet, wobbling only slightly before gaining my balance. In front of me, Alexander glanced back with a wide grin as we surfed down the curling wave. I lost my balance at the last minute and tumbled into the knee-deep water. 

Laughing, Alexander splashed over and reached down to help me up to my feet. With his board tucked under one arm, he grinned. “It looks like you’re buying dinner, Maddy.” 

“We caught the same wave, Alex,” I argued, reaching down to grab my board. 

“But I didn’t fall off,” Alexander pointed out. His lips twitched into a smug grin. 

I took a step toward him and shook out my sopping wet hair, sending droplets flying everywhere and washing the smirk right off his face. 

“Hey!” Alexander protested, trying not to laugh. 

I slicked the long, wet hair away from my face and said in a dare, “Rematch?” 

His smile was full of challenge. “You’re on.” 

We spent the next two hours trying to best each other on the waves. I wiped out several times and so did Alexander, but the prince eventually claimed the victory with an arrogant grin. We decided to take a break and strolled back along the beach, tossing our boards down onto the sand near our clothes. The girls from earlier returned as we were spreading out our towels, but Alexander hadn’t noticed them yet. 

He was kneeling in the sand next to me, our arms just barely brushing. I nudged him with my elbow, trying to let him know that his admirers were back. Alexander glanced up at me, and the smile he sent my way caused an unexpected flutter in my stomach. His wet black hair was mussed, making him appear roguish, and his handsome face was lit by golden sunlight. He had tossed aside his sunglasses, so his striking blue eyes looked straight into mine. They were filled with the warmth and affection I had grown accustomed to over the years. Brotherly and friendly, intermingled with a platonic love for the girl he thought of as a sister. 

When he caught sight of the pretty girls over my shoulder, I noticed the spark of interest that flashed across his face. 

“Looks like it’s time for me to take advantage of my swoon-worthy smile.” With a wink, Alexander tossed on his sunglasses, then rose to his feet and strolled over to the group of girls with his charming smile in place. They grinned in delight, clearly pleased with his undivided attention. 

An angry bitterness surged through me. I rocked back onto my heels in utter surprise. Was I ... jealous? No, that couldn’t be right. Alexander was my best  guy friend. My protective big brother. I couldn’t possibly be having feelings for him. 

That would be ... unthinkable.

The following night, I nervously fumbled with my hair, wanting it to look just right for my date with Ethan. In the reflection of the bathroom mirror, I saw my mom smile compassionately as her hands took over with my hair. 

She was beautiful, with curly light brown hair and creamy white skin. Her smile was the only physical feature I’d inherited. Personality-wise, we were as similar as two peas in a pod. Both creative and bold, stubborn, with fiery tempers.

“I can’t believe how quickly the time’s gone by,” Mom murmured, her voice melancholy and hands gentle on my hair. “It seems like just yesterday when you were running around barefoot, climbing up trees and getting into mischief with Alexander. And now here you are, getting all dolled up for your very first date.” Her hand squeezed my shoulder and our eyes met in the reflection of the mirror as she smiled proudly. “You’ve blossomed into such a beautiful young lady, Madison.” 

Pleased by her compliment, I smiled softly and studied my reflection. Deep chocolate brown eyes were set over high cheekbones, and unruly waves of dark hair reached past my shoulder blades. At nearly five-foot-eleven I seemed to tower over most of the girls at my school, and even some of the boys. 

Smiling fondly, my artistic mother generously helped apply my makeup as I rapidly tried to calm my nerves. I had just put on my high-heeled shoes when the phone rang. 

A few minutes later, my mom reappeared in the doorway, her expression grim. “It’s Arianna,” Mom said gravely. “She’s in the hospital.” 

The drive to the hospital passed by in a blur. Before I knew it, I was standing in a hospital room surrounded by sterile white walls and beeping machines. 

Clutching her hand in mine, I stared anxiously down at my best friend. Hooked up to an IV with medicine to numb her pain, she was unusually pale, and her thick hair seemed to lack its usual luster. She grimaced slightly and my grip on her hand tightened. 

Arianna squeezed back in reassurance. “I’m sorry I ruined your date,” she apologized as Alexander walked into the room. 

His worried gaze traveled over his sister before settling on me. He paused mid-stride as he took in the sight of my lavender dress and curled hair. A tendril of warmth curled through my stomach at the brief flicker of interest that sparked in his eyes. For a moment, he had looked at me with the same interest he’d shown in those girls on the beach yesterday. 

Alexander blinked and then smiled, showing no emotion other than his usual brotherly affection. He moved to stand at Arianna’s other side, but his words were directed at me. “Don’t you look all dressed up. What’s the occasion?” 

“She’s got a hot date,” Arianna purred, winking at me. 

Alexander frowned, and the look he turned my way was simmering with dark emotion. Was he just being over-protective as usual, or was he actually jealous? 

A moment later, the Royal Family’s private physician walked into the room with the king and queen. He explained the situation in complicated medical terms I barely understood. I caught various words on occasion. A tumor on the liver. Benign. Surgery. The rest was hazy. 

I watched nervously as they prepped her for surgery and bit my lip so hard that I tasted blood. Someone grabbed my hand. I glanced up to see Alexander standing next to me. 

“Don’t worry, dolcezza. Everything will be fine,” he said with an air of confidence. He slid an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. We watched them wheel Arianna out of the room, followed by their parents. 

I was trying to be brave, but the second she was out of sight, my nerves got the better of me. With tears damp on my cheeks, I turned toward Alexander and clutched desperately at his shirt. “Do you promise, Alex? I can’t lose her. She’s my best friend.” 

He looked down at me with intense blue eyes and answered calmly, “She’s going to be fine. The surgery will only take a few hours and after six weeks, she’ll be as good as new.” He kissed my forehead and drew me into his embrace. 

Slipping my arms around his waist, I pressed my tear-streaked face against his neck and held on tightly. I thought I felt a tremble go through him, but it could have been caused by my shaking. Alexander held me close in his arms, murmuring softly in Italian, trying to help calm me. Thanks to their Italian-born mother, all three royal children were fluent in Italian, as well as French, Spanish and English. Even though I didn’t understand his words, the soothing tone of his voice was comforting and I felt my worries begin to fade away. 

My fear was replaced by a sudden awareness of Alexander and how his body was pressed closely against mine. His chest was wide and firm under my cheek. One arm was wrapped tightly around my waist while he gently stroked the brown curls running down my back with his free hand. 

My pulse began to race and I could feel nervous butterflies in my stomach. I knew I should pull away, but I felt a strong desire to stay wrapped up in his arms. What was happening to me? There were new, unexpected feelings swirling through me—very unbrotherly feelings. Slowly, I forced myself to step back out of his embrace and shyly peeked up at his face. 

He was watching me, his expression so serious and intense that it made my heart skip a beat. There was something in his eyes, the way he was looking at me, that was different. For the first time, I wondered if Alexander saw me as more than a friend. 

I ran a nervous hand down my dress, unintentionally drawing his gaze away from my face. He slowly took in the sight of my lavender dress again, and my cheeks were burning by the time his eyes drifted back up to mine. 

“This date you’re supposed to go on,” Alexander said, his voice sounding ragged, “is it with Ethan?” 

“Yes,” I murmured, watching in fascination as his eyes darkened infinitesimally. 

“I thought Ethan was just a friend?” 

I bit my lip, and smiled sheepishly. “Well, he is. But ...” My words trailed off, unsure of what to say. I had hoped that Ethan might become more than just a friend after our date tonight. But I didn’t exactly want to explain that to Alexander.

“But …?” Alexander prompted, his tone a bit brisk. 

I was saved from having to respond by the ringing of my phone. I fumbled through my tiny purse and yanked it out, glancing briefly at the screen before answering. “Hey, Ethan.” 

“Hey, Maddy. I got your message. Is the princess going to be okay?” 

“She’s in surgery right now. They found a tumor on her liver, but it’s not cancerous. The doctor said she’s going to be fine.” A shiver of fear ran through me, but I brushed it aside. I couldn’t even contemplate the alternative. 

“So, do you want to reschedule our date?” Ethan asked. 

I sighed regretfully. “Yeah, I think we should. I want to be here when Arianna gets out of surgery.” 

“That’s what I figured,” Ethan said with a hint of disappointment. “I’m glad she’s going to be okay. I guess I’ll just see you at school.” 

“Yeah, I guess so. See you on Monday.” 

When I hung up, my mood sank even lower, intermingled with both worry and disappointment. After taking one look at my sullen face, Alexander slipped an arm around my shoulders and directed me to the waiting room. We sat together in silence, with his arm still wrapped around me in a comforting hug, and my head resting on his shoulder. 

The rest of our families slowly trickled into the waiting room. As we waited through the long hours of Arianna’s surgery, my thoughts wandered away in various scenarios of tragedy. 

When the door creaked open, I bolted upright, expecting to see Arianna’s surgeon. Instead, I found Ethan standing in the open doorway. Slipping off the chair, I moved to hug him.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, undeniably happy to see him.

Ethan smiled ruefully. “It’s not exactly the night I had planned, but I’d still rather spend it here with you.” His expression grew embarrassed. “I hope that’s okay.”

“It’s more than okay,” I answered, hugging him again. “I’m so glad you’re here, Ethan.”

I led him around the room for various introductions, saving Alexander for last. I was ridiculously uncomfortable at the thought of them meeting, and couldn’t figure out if I was more worried about Alexander’s disapproval, or his possible jealousy.

An expert at keeping his emotions in check, Alexander was as polite as ever. I couldn’t detect even a hint of unease in his expression. As he chatted easily with Ethan about surfing, I shook my head slightly, wondering if I’d only imagined the interest and jealously I thought I’d seen earlier. There was clearly nothing more than friendship between us.

For some reason, that realization hurt more than expected.

Gazing out across the lawn with my forearms braced on the terrace railing, I lost myself in the sight of the glistening sea. A soft breeze ruffled the hair around my face and fluttered against the long floral skirt I was wearing. I sighed, and reached up to tuck my windblown hair behind an ear.

At the same moment, I noticed movement in the hallway to my left and turned to find Alexander standing in the doorway. His dark blue gaze was fixed on me, his expression serious and thoughtful. When our eyes met, he smiled crookedly, but I could still sense the emotion lurking behind his carefully guarded expression. He’d been acting strange all month—ever since the day of Arianna’s liver operation.

Before either of us could speak, King Mathis suddenly appeared behind the prince’s shoulder. Confident, regal, and exuding a quiet power, King Mathis was tall, dark and handsome, just like his sons. His dark brown hair was peppered with gray at the temples, and his shortly-cropped beard added to his distinguished appearance. Crowned at only thirty-eight years old, he was the youngest king to rule Coradova in over a century and had peacefully ruled for eight years so far.

“Alexander,” King Mathis ordered quietly. “A word, please.” 

Alexander tensed briefly. “Yes, sir.” He held my gaze for a moment longer, then winked covertly before turning to follow his father into the palace.

When I found him a few hours later, he was standing at the scenic lookout at the back of the palace grounds. The tension in his shoulders was noticeable even from a distance. When I caught sight of his dark expression, I knew the discussion with his father had not been a good one.

“Are you okay, Alex?” I ventured quietly.

He let out a heavy sigh, his scowl deepening. “Not really.” He didn’t elaborate, and stared stonily out across the horizon.

I watched his hands clench and unclench repeatedly on the railing, and examined the angry lines in his tightly set jaw. He was definitely upset. I gave him another minute to brood, then asked, “What’s wrong, Alex? Does this have something to do with your dad?”

He chuckled bitterly. “I guess you could say that.” He squeezed the railing again, then shifted to look at me. “You know how I’ve been meeting with him every week to learn more about my future role as king? Well, today he told me about certain … expectations … that I’m not exactly thrilled about.”

“Like what?” I prodded.

Alexander sighed again. “Like having to sacrifice who I am, for the man I must become—as if I didn’t already know that who I am must come second to my royal title.” He shook his head in irritation. “All he kept talking about was making sacrifices, and learning how to put my duty before my—desire.” His eyes darted to my face as the tips of his ears turned red.

I bit my lip, trying to hide a smile. “Your desire, huh?” He looked away from me, clearly embarrassed. I bumped him with my hip and teased, “Is there some girl you like who isn’t suitable to be the future queen?”

Although my words were only in jest, the look he turned on me was oddly serious. He stared directly into my eyes for a long moment, then cleared his throat and averted his gaze once again. “Something like that,” Alexander said under his breath.

We lapsed into a slightly tensed silence. It lengthened until I finally asked, “Is it all worth it?”

“What do you mean?” He shot a confused glance at me.

“The sacrifices,” I explained. “Is it all worth it for you to become king?”

Alexander studied me for several heartbeats before answering. “I honestly don’t know.” Then he forced his emotions down behind a carefully guarded mask and offered me a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “But it doesn’t matter. It’s not like I can renounce my claim to the throne just because I don’t like the sacrifices I’m expected to make.”

I gently touched his arm, my expression softening. “You’ve always wanted to be the king. Maybe the sacrifices won’t be as bad as you think.”

He smiled ruefully in response and drew me in for a hug. “Maybe you’re right, dolcezza.” He whispered into my hair, “I hope you’re right.”

I felt his lips press against my forehead. The soft kiss was so sweet that I couldn’t stop my eyes from closing on a sigh. Held close in his arms, my heart rate suddenly picked up speed, stuttering and flip-flopping, as a swirl of unexpected emotion coursed through me. His hugs never used to affect me like this—I felt terrified by this sudden change in my heart.

Was I starting to fall for my best friend? And if I did, was there any chance he might someday feel the same way?

Would you like to know how the story ends?

Heart of Mine (The Royals of Coradova #1)

He was the Crown Prince of Coradova. She was his best friend from childhood. Their forbidden love will cost them everything. ...